“You're never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child.” — Dr. Seuss

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Join the Long Island Authors Group

Thank you for your interest in joining the LI Authors Group! Below you will find the answers to frequently asked questions about membership and the LIAG. Among the answers are step by step instructions on how to join. At the very bottom of this page is the LIAG application which you'll need to print out.

We are very excited about our organization and look forward to your joining very soon! Please review the following topics of information…

What are the Benefits of Membership?

  • Members' books are displayed and sold at our bookstore located in the IAC Gallery store at the Westfield South Shore Mall in Bay Shore. Members receive 100% of the sale price of their books.
  • LIAG authors give monthly presentations on various topics for our members as well as for the general public at the IAC Gallery.
  • There are monthly author dinner meetings with guests speaking on various topics of our craft.
  • Each member has a personalized profile page on our website.
  • Author book signings are provided at various venues around Long Island.
  • Members can participate in town fairs with other author members to sell books and promote the LIAG.
  • LIAG offers members the opportunity to expand their network, increase book sales and enjoy learning experiences by posting on the Long Island Authors Group Facebook Community Page and on Instagram.
  • LIAG publishes a catalog featuring author presentations and workshops. It is marketed at book fairs and other events to promote the group and create opportunities for authors to engage in a variety of venues. View the Presentation Catalog here.
  • Members have access to a master database of event contacts at libraries and bookstores to promote their programs.
  • Informative monthly emails are sent to all members, listing educational pieces and publishing opportunities for poetry, fiction, and nonfiction.
  • There is the opportunity for members to be interviewed on the TV shows, The Writer's Dream and Between the Covers.
  • The LIAG sponsors a literary challenge with monetary prizes to encourage the craft of writing among high school students.
  • Members can participate on committees that assist the organization with social media, marketing, fundraising, accounting, membership, the bookstore, and our guest-speaker bureau.
  • We enjoy the comradery with dozens of fellow authors and learn from one another.
  • Each member receives a list of all LIAG authors allowing easy interaction with peers. Celebrity authors Tom Clavin and Steve Israel are among our members.

LIAG Submission Criteria

LIAG has, among its primary objectives, the desire to guide writers toward the production of professional work, and with that, assist them in promoting, distributing and selling their publications. We have no bias regarding self-published work, alternative press publications or commercial (mainstream) books.

We also recognize that authorship can take many forms and that a published book may fall into special categories such as edited guidebooks and works of art including collections of photographs and or illustrations. While the LIAG acknowledges the value of such books and welcomes the published authors to submit a LIAG Membership Application, we also reserve the right to limit membership if the book being reviewed is not up to our submission guidelines or falls outside of the LIAG Mission Statement.

To become a member of LIAG, all books submitted for consideration must demonstrate that they are:

  • Free of typos, misspellings and grammatical errors (except where, in context, stylistic license may apply).

  • Designed and laid out professionally including typography; margins and spacing; choice of paper and binding; illustrations and photos (where such graphics apply).

  • LIAG embraces diversity, while holding to high standards of authorship. Should a book not meet the basic professional standards we require, we will advise the author and hope he or she will resubmit a re-edited or other work at a future time.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the requirements to become a member?

There are basically three requirements. First, the applicant must have written a book that has been published—the book must have an ISBN. Second, the author applicant must live in either Nassau or Suffolk Counties, or grew up on LI. It is acceptable if the author applicant has a Nassau or Suffolk mailing address, but lives in NYC because of employment. Third, that the book be submitted to the LIAG membership committee for review and approval—the book must meet the usual book design and interior standards found in literary works.

Can I join if I was an editor or contributed to an anthology or collection of stories or Poems or if I authored a magazine or journal article?

No, the requirement is that the applicant be an author or co-author of a book, not just a contributor.

Why do authors have to submit their book(s) for review and approval in order to join the LIAG?

Quality is a vital and important part of book publishing. If a book that is submitted does not meet what we believe are the minimal "general" quality standards that would make this book attractive to the general book-buying public, the book and the author's membership application could be rejected. The Membership Committee, at its sole discretion, will point out what needs to be fixed in a general way—this might be in the book design, interior layout, writing level, or editing issues.

What is the process—how does an author go about joining the LIAG?

We suggest that an author interested in joining review the various pages of the LIAG website, including the about-us page, the events page, and the information contained on this page, to learn more about the LIAG.

If the author decides to apply, here are the steps…

  1. After visiting the LIAG website, the author applicant should click on the join us tab, double click on the application form, select open, then fill in the LIAG Membership Application form and printout a copy.

  2. Send in the application with a copy of your book(s) to the following address:

    Long Island Authors Group
    PO Box 1289
    Smithtown, NY 11787

  3. The book(s) and application are collected and forwarded to the Membership Committee for review and consideration.

  4. Once the review process is completed, the applicants are contacted regarding their application status.

  5. Authors approved for membership are then sent the official LIAG online information template. Information on this form is needed for the author applicant to be placed on the author pages of the website. In addition, the applicant will receive instructions to send in a suitable image file of their book cover(s) and a head shot image file. These images should be in JPEG format.

  6. The applicant must send in their membership dues to the LIAG treasurer at this address:

    Long Island Authors Group
    PO Box 277
    Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776
    Attn: Treasurer

  7. When all 6 steps described above are completed, the author applicant is sent an e-mail welcome to the Group.

How long does the membership process take?

The application and book review process can take up to 2 to 4 months to complete. After that, the time-frame is determined by the applicant sending in the right materials in the correct format. The Membership Committee Chair or Assistant Chair will follow up with the applicants during the application process.

Can I participate in any of the LIAG events and activities while waiting to be an approved member?

No, except for activities that are open to the public, author applicants cannot participate in LIAG events that are closed to the public until the application process is completed. This includes any seminar or workshop, and any book selling event such as book fairs. We hope that all applicants will expedite the submission of materials and follow-up as needed. The LIAG Board appreciates the applicant's cooperation and patience.

What is the fee to join the LIAG?

Membership in LIAG incurs yearly dues of $130. For this one payment you are entitled to have your books on the shelves of our LIAG Bookstore at the Islip Arts Council Gallery in the South Shore Mall, as well as the ability to participate in all our other activities.

About the money that is collected, what is it used for?

All monies collected, this includes membership dues, seminar admission, book fair table fees and so on, are used to maintain the organization. The money collected pays for expenses such as, liability insurance, website/domain name fees, artwork created to promote events, LIAG banners and event signs, and for LIAG Board approved expenditures as needed. No officer or Board Member receives any compensation. The LIAG Treasurer maintains the organizations checking account and books, and prepares a financial report to the LIAG Board each quarter.

What is the membership period?

The LIAG membership is renewed on an annual basis—membership runs from January 1st to December 31st.

If I join the LIAG in June, is there a reduction in the dues I have to pay?

Yes, new members will have their first year's membership dues pro-rated relative to the calendar date of their acceptance.

What about co-authors, can a co-author participate in LIAG activities without also being a member?

No, co-authors interested in participating in LIAG activities such as book fairs, book talks, and seminars must also be official members and have paid dues.

What type of organization is the Long Island Authors Group?

The LIAG is an IRS approved 501(c)3 public charitable organization. Contributions to the LIAG are tax-deductible under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code. (Consult your tax adviser for details.)

The LIAG was established to be a grass-roots organization with the members themselves doing the work needed to conduct the Group's activities. The LIAG at this time does not provide members with any individual writing, editing, or book selling services. Ideas for activities and events are presented to the Board and voted on in accordance with the mission statement and by-laws of the LIAG.

What is the mission statement of the LIAG?

The mission of the Long Island Authors Group is to encourage, support and promote authorship, primarily in the Long Island, New York area. We are a group of local book authors who have joined together to conduct activities and events that add to the availability of our published works while promoting the Long Island writing community. Our group works with retail bookstores arranging book talks and signings, and conducts events at various locations that are open to the public. Our group fosters knowledge and experience by conducting educational seminars on assorted topics such as writing workshops, marketing techniques, promotion strategies, and the use of emerging Internet outlets & new technologies.

After I become a member, how can I get involved in the organization—what can I do to help?

This starts with participating in the LIAG events and activities—including supporting individual members by attending their author events when possible. Any member, even new ones, are encouraged to get involved by offering to help with new ideas for events, serving on the various committees, coordinating events, and helping the LIAG where needed. Members can speak to any LIAG Board member to learn more about getting involved and to ask about available volunteer positions within the LIAG.

Will I have fun as a member of the LIAG?

Yes, without a doubt! Generally, you will find members of the organization are willing to help each other with the answers to questions about book promotion and marketing, about the book publishing industry, and to offer advice based on the experience level of the authors. Authors are free to socialize and to network with other people of similar creative minds. Meetings and events are always upbeat—members have opportunities to meet other authors and to learn from each other what they can do as authors. As one writer explained following a long conversation with one of the authors, "You know, this isn't a conversation you can have with just anyone."

Membership Conflict of Interest Policy

For the purpose of this policy, a conflict of interest is defined as follows…

  • A conflict of interest occurs when an individual, as a member, or a pending member of the Long Island Authors Group (LIAG) is involved in multiple interests, one of which could possibly corrupt the motivation for an act in another.

  • Or, when a situation in which a person, as a member of the LIAG, has a duty to more than one organization, competing or otherwise, but cannot do justice to the actual or potentially adverse interests of both organizations.

  • In addition, someone accused of a conflict of interest might deny that a conflict of interest exists because there was no improper act committed. We recognize that a conflict of interest can exist even if there is no improper act as a result of it. In this sense, there might exist "a conflict of roles." A person, as a member of the LIAG, may experience situations where these two roles conflict and the differing roles will certainly provide an incentive for improper acts in some circumstances.

Furthermore, it is stated that…

  • Members of the LIAG cannot serve on the board of a conflicting group or be a founding member of the organization.

  • A conflicting group is defined as an organization that has a similar mission statement, recruits similar members, and/or conducts similar activities. A conflicting group is identified by the LIAG Board of Directors.

  • Members of the LIAG cannot own, be a principle share holder, or hold an administrative position within an organization, a corporation, or be a sole proprietor of a company that sells services or solicits sales, that may influence or limit, a LIAG member's book publishing/marketing experience.

Action taken when an individual, as a member of the LIAG is thought to have a conflict of interest…

  • Members of the LIAG deemed to have a conflict of interest are reported to the LIAG Board of Directors.

  • The LIAG has the right to limit participation or deny membership for individuals who violate the LIAG Conflict of Interest Policy.

  • These conflicts will be decided by a majority decision vote of the LIAG Board of Directors.

Are you ready to join? Click on the application form below to apply!



For more information about Long Island Authors Group, visit our Contact page


Copyright ©2024 Long Island Authors Group. All rights reserved.

The LIAG is an IRS approved 501(c)3 public charitable organization. Contributions to

the LIAG are tax-deductible under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.

©2024 longislandauthorsgroup.org